Computers are general purpose devices that can be programmed to carry out a set of instructions automatically. Typically, a computer consists of at least one processor and some memory. The processor is responsible for doing the work and the memory is used to store the final results. We teach and even help our students understand the different parts of computers and how they function. We will also help your child plan their own computer build and help them decide which parts they need.


Computers are devices that can store and process large amounts of data according to the program given

A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digital data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and built into the computer (and called logic circuitry as it is on microprocessors) or different programs may be provided to the computer (loaded into its storage and then started by an administrator or user). Today’s computers have both kinds of programming. Computers can be used to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. They can also be used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos.



These are the various courses to learn all about computers

Computer Parts

We teach the hardware of computers including CPUs, GPUs, Hard Drives, and Motherboards. Knowing the parts of a computer and what they do is important for troubleshooting and building your own computer. Understanding the different specifications means our students will know how to find the best option for any situation or build. We even help our students make a list of the right parts for their own custom computers.

Logic Design

Logic Design is the basic organization of the circuitry of a digital computer. All digital computers are based on a two-valued logic system—1/0, on/off, yes/no. Computers perform calculations using components called logic gates, which are made up of integrated circuits that receive an input signal, process it, and change it into an output signal. There are three basic kinds of logic gates, called “and,” “or,” and “not.” By connecting logic gates together, a device can be constructed that can perform basic arithmetic functions.