Metal Robotics Team

Ages 12-18

General Info

For students interested in applying their newfound skills and knowledge in a competitive and challenging way, our robotics team is exactly the way to do that. Rather than learning new concepts, the team is about testing your knowledge and creativity in applying the concepts our students learned to achieve the goal the competition requires. The team competes against schools around the area. The season starts in the summer. This is when we start brainstorming, designing, and prototyping. Then once the school year starts, the students are testing and continuously building. The competitions are during the school year and are roughly once a month or every 2 months. The season ends anywhere between February to April depending on our placement. A sub-team is made for every 5 students on the team, with a minimum of 3 students on a sub-team. To decide which sub-teams are entered into the competitions, we will be having tournaments with our own students to see which robots are entered into the competitions.


  • In order to participate, your child needs to have completed our Metal Engineering 1 and Metal Engineering 2. These are the minimum sections required, but the more the student knows and completes, the better. 
  • Uniforms will be provided to team members and will be required to be worn during competitions.
  • While attending regular lessons are not required, it is highly recommended as continuing our students’ education is one of our most important goals. 


This subscription is for your child to be part of a team of students, where the ratio of instructors to students is 1-6.


All the competition fees will be covered by Technix Academy, as we are sponsoring our students. We will have 3 tournaments during the year at Technix Academy to qualify which sub-teams will compete in the 3 regional competitions around the county. Competition dates and times will be emailed to everyone on the team as we sign up for them. We encourage everyone on the team to attend the competition regardless of which sub-teams are entered.

Hour Usage and Scheduling

The Robotics Team Subscription is unique compared to everything else at Technix Academy. This subscription offers any amount of time for your student during select days and times. Our students will have mandatory meetings on Wednesdays from 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Additionally, each week the student may have two free hours on Saturdays to schedule for additional time to build available during the times of 1 PM – 5 PM. Scheduling will be needed for Saturday free build time. Due to the unlimited time system for this subscription, any days that are missed will not have makeups or prorating. This includes days that Technix Academy is closed for any reason. A subscription will be needed for each individual child.